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Workshop Recording Available



Workshop Description:


Do you want to take better care of your feet but need some help to get started?

Do you want to know more about how the feet help the overall function of the body?

In this workshop we take a detailed look at the anatomy of the feet and look at how the feet connect functionally to the rest of the body.

We also go throughseries of exercises that you can take away to use in your personal practice.

You will need:

A mat

a small massage ball/tennis ball

A yoga block or 1/2 dome roller

Some smaller balls (kids bouncy ball, dog ball, squash ball, trigger ball)

Some small stones of different sizes

2 hairbands/event bracelets (or a Pilates toe corrector)

This is a recording of a live workshop. Please do not screenshot to screen record the workshop and/or share to social media. 

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